Moonraker Island Civic Organization, Inc.


Annual dues $50.00, due the beginning of each year



Homeowners Name/s: ___________________________________________

Property Address: _______________________________ Slidell, LA 70458

Mailing address, if different: ______________________________________

Home Phone: _______________ Cell number: ______________

Email Address: ___________________________


(We need your name and address for all income due to accounting reasons.  For security reasons, we recommend supplying your phone number so we can contact you should we suspect suspicious activity.  Your email is requested so we can send you time sensitive information and the location & dates of upcoming meetings.  Your info will only be used for MICOI purposes.)


Please mail your annual dues to:  MICOI  #114 Moonraker Dr.   Slidell, LA  70458


Thank you for your support







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Why do we need a Homeowners Association?


* To help maintain the quality, integrity & property values of our neighborhood.

* To serve as a recognized neighborhood entity speaking for all when addressing our governing agencies. 
* Landscaping & decoration of the neighborhood entrances. 
* Provide a website to make finding important info easier.
* Neighborhood civic activities.


A note about dues:

While membership is voluntary, we ask you help us achieve neighborhood goals by being a supporting member.  Any property owner is encouraged to be a member which gives you the right to vote at our meetings.  We also accept donations from those who wish to support the organization.  MICOI is registered with the state of Louisiana and does report its non-profit financials.  The money we collect helps offset the cost of accounting, state registration, events, meetings, legal, publications, signage, landscape maintenance and the like.  Board & committee members are uncompensated neighborhood volunteers whose only interest is contributing to the well being of the neighborhood as their time & resources permit.  If you would like to help or have comments please let us know.  Email us at  The more homeowners that participate, the more your organization can accomplish.  ... March, 2019