

Alice LeBlanc is going to research telephone numbers from the Assessors list on Lee's website and start making calls to those owners....those that did not attend the Sunday meeting.


If anyone has time to devote to this can co-ordinate with her and assist we can execute this task and inform more folks of the status of Harborview.




"LeBlanc, Alice" <ALeBla@lsuhsc.edu> wrote:

From: "LeBlanc, Alice" <ALeBla@lsuhsc.edu>
To: 'Kenny Fernandez' <kfernandez@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: HarborView Homeowners Contact Info - Partial List
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 15:42:58 -0500



Got it.  Will start hunting phone numbers.  





From: Kenny Fernandez [mailto:kfernandez@yahoo.com]
Monday, October 17, 2005 3:27 PM
To: LeBlanc, Alice
Subject: RE: HarborView Homeowners Contact Info - Partial List


It is on the datakik.com/harborview website under "post katrina info"






"LeBlanc, Alice" <ALeBla@lsuhsc.edu> wrote:

How can I get hold of the Assessor's listing?  Just give me directions and I'll pursue it.


From: Kenny Fernandez [mailto:kfernandez@yahoo.com]
Monday, October 17, 2005 1:47 PM
To: LeBlanc, Alice
Subject: RE: HarborView Homeowners Contact Info - Partial List




Exactly what we need.....


Please forward your ideas and suggestions to not only me but Michael George and Lee Longstreet.  Michael and his father were to contact Jack and Lee is maintaining the website.


Your wanting to assist...hmmm maybe trying to compile a telephone list of the homeowners from the Assessor's listing.  Maybe then we can have a couple of us contact them in order to update them.






"LeBlanc, Alice" <ALeBla@lsuhsc.edu> wrote:



Your summary of all the points that need clarification was excellent. 


I had an additional thought you may want to use when discussing things with Jack Rose.  The update that was posted Friday at http://www.lsuhsc.edu/ was very helpful.    Perhaps we could share it with Jack Rose so that he can see how many other businesses are posting this type of information to keep their constituencies apprised of developments.   Use it if you think it helps.  Don't bother if you think it is extraneous. 


Best wishes,




From: Kenny Fernandez [mailto:kfernandez@yahoo.com]
Monday, October 17, 2005 9:49 AM
To: mdgeorge@fplcapital.com
Cc: alebla@lsuhsc.edu; Kenny Fernandez; meander36@cox.net; dgt1196@aol.com; bkanga@aol.com; rjm@tulane.edu; petejaning@aol.com; jtmellis1877@msn.com; aharges@dhhmcpa.com; jmath10715@cs.com; kcgirl201@cs.com; sjcompton@excite.com; mycalliope@datakik.com
Subject: HarborView Homeowners Contact Info - Partial List




Attached is the compiled list of contact info for the Homeowners that attended the Meeting Sunday morning Oct. 16th 2005 at the Lakefront parking lot.


Please review it and forward corrections to Lee Longstreet @ mycalliope@datakik.com and Michael George @ mdgeorge@fplcapital.com.


My understanding of the first and fore most issues:


Communications, Communications, Communications


* Status Our homes/Investments (what has been done and what is being done)


* Assessments Made, By whom and their credentials, written reports?


* Contractors solicited and/or awarded task, what are they doing and for what amount?




* Committee formed to assess the afore mentioned and communicate that to the Homeowners or have the say as to decisions based on overall objectives.


* Review Bylaws and report on findings.


* Committee review all options in the best interest of all owners


* New Board? 



We must act in concert to progress on the task ahead, as the drum is being beaten in New Orleans "Lets Build a Better Harborview!"



In closing, I volunteer or submit my name for the committee and or any other task that might be enacted.


This is a snapshot of my experience:


I have owned Unit #404 since 1999, lived there for 3 years. Renovated it.


Owned rental property since 1992, with a total of 7units, three duplexes and the Harborview Unit.


Have been taught to "Do things Right" by my Mentors


Summers, framing houses in high school


Six years in heavy construction, as a laborer and Carpenter, Boh Brothers Construction Co


Maintained rentals throughout, Renovated house for resale.


Designed and managed installation of telecommunication rooms for Hibernia National Bank,


Presently, Network Transport Engineer for Cox Communications


I take pride in my work and will pledge to do so for all at Harborview.






Kenny Fernandez, Jr.