Commentary on Notice from Entergy -


Those “in the know” are aware that Entergy has and will continue to provide power to those Lakeview structures that have been permitted and certified to receive power by the City of New Orleans permit department.


The first letter from Entergy reveals that delays in the ability to accept electrical service will result in termination of electrical accounts.   This will affect different residents differently.


As I understand it (and from recent personal experience on other properties) Entergy (due to bankruptcy status) will no longer waive the requirement for deposits even for long time multiple account customers with squeaky clean credit.  


For example, lets suppose you had a $50 deposit (or perhaps no deposit) on your electrical service.   If your service is then terminated due to extended inability to accept power, your account would be closed and any remaining deposit refunded.   When it comes time to restore electrical service there may be a reconnect charge AND a deposit required.   This deposit may be much different from your original deposit and may be quite substantial on commercial accounts.


Entergy’s revised letter seems to offer some hope in this area.  However, per my conversation today (Jan. 11) with Entergy’s Hurricane Katrina service restoration department in New Orleans, Entergy’s representative specifically recommends you call and have Entergy notate on your account that you wish to keep your account open if you intend to return to your residence.   Keeping your account open without receiving power will result in a monthly maintenance charge of about $8.00 per month but will keep you from incurring a requirement for a new deposit when service is restored.   Maintaining your utility account will also help preserve your being able to prove your status of having lived in New Orleans.


The above info provided by Lee Longstreet.



>>  Letter from Entergy (.pdf format)


>>  Revised Letter from Entergy  (.pdf format)